Kashelle Lockman
Preparing Pharmacists for Interdisciplinary Palliative Practice
Evolving data indicate that pharmacists with specialized training in palliative care improve outcomes for patients and health systems. Education and training opportunities in primary and specialty palliative care for pharmacy students and practicing pharmacists are limited and heterogenous. Board certification in palliative care is not yet available for pharmacists. My proposed Sojourns Scholar project, Preparing Pharmacists for Interdisciplinary Palliative Practice (PPIPP), is to clarify and expand core educational opportunities for pharmacy students and pharmacists to prepare them for interdisciplinary palliative care practice. As a Sojourns Scholar, I will utilize this opportunity for networking and collaboration to enhance my capacity to 1) facilitate development of consensus Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs) for palliative care specialist and generalist pharmacists; 2) create a pilot educational program for practicing pharmacists to support attainment of requisite competencies for the EPAs; and 3) design a pilot toolkit to expand integration of palliative care in PharmD curricula at pharmacy schools.