Angela M. Feraco
Joint Problem-Solving to Promote Quality of Life Among Children with Cancer
Dr. Feraco’s project investigates team functioning among interprofessional Pediatric Palliative Care teams and interprofessional pediatric oncology teams. She hypothesizes that PPC teams exhibit a higher degree of joint problem-solving around QOL promotion during childhood cancer treatment than do pediatric oncology teams. To investigate this hypothesis, she will field a national survey and corroborate its findings through in-depth interviews and virtual observations of how teams conduct their work. This project holds promise to identify a readily measurable mechanism by which PPC teams promote QOL among children with cancer. Joint problem-solving orientation may emerge as a key indicator of team functioning and as a potential intervention target to enhance primary palliative care. Importantly, findings may extend to QOL promotion in other serious childhood illnesses, such as heart disease and cystic fibrosis.