Becca Hutchinson
Developing a Palliative Collaborative Care Model for Patients Living with Heart Failure in Rural Maine
This project integrates three strategies to improve access to palliative care for rural patients: (1) develop primary palliative skills of rural nurses, (2) leverage technology to connect palliative care specialists in urban areas to support and coach front-line nurses, and (3) use community based participatory research methods to adapt and implement innovative models of palliative care. Using community based participatory methods, I will work with rural communities to determine how best to develop rural nurses’ primary palliative care skills. I will then combine this education with an adapted collaborative care model. Our collaborative care model will connect an interprofessional specialty palliative care team with the front-line nurses to provide case specific guidance and coaching. When indicated, the specialty palliative care team can meet with the patient via tele-technology. This project, my leadership development activities, and participation in the Sojourns Scholar Leadership Program will facilitate my growth into the leader that seriously ill patients living in rural areas need.