Michelle M. Milic
IMproving PAlliative Care Teamwork in the ICU- Interprofessional Education: IMPACT-IPE
To someone just entering the ICU, the sights and sounds may seem chaotic. However, for someone entrenched in this environment, there is a smooth choreographed dance of teamwork, respect, and communication, which paves the way for supportive, dignified care and, at times, transitions to end-of-life. I am grateful to bear witness to the outcomes of this graceful care and I am passionate about creating caring moments and developing the skills that promote this seamless teamwork, in the ICU where I work and in ICUs across the country. The foundation of the IMPACT-IPE model is to improve the functioning of the care team based on education that (1) trains all levels of the interprofessional care team so they can learn with, about, and from each other, (2) provides core fundamentals of team communication, and culturally respectful care, and (3) incorporates clinician support to reduce Moral Distress and Acute Trauma Stress.