Edward Peñate
Screening for Religious/Spiritual (R/S) Struggle by Palliative Care non-chaplain health care staff
The overall aim of this project is to evaluate the use of an R/S struggle screening protocol by non-chaplain health care staff, in adult palliative care as a means to identify and refer patients who may need or desire spiritual care services. The specific aims of the project are: 1. To determine the proportion of new patient admissions for whom the health care staff were able to implement the screening protocol (identify barriers, if any, to implementation of the R/S screening protocol, identify best times to screen, how often to screen and or how having different types of diagnosis may impact this trajectory); 2. To determine the proportion of patients who screen positive for potential R/S struggle. 3. To compare the identification of potential cases of R/S struggle made based on the screening protocol with the results of a chaplain's routine spiritual assessment interview. 4. To determine the proportion of screened patients who accept spiritual care services.